Source code for ahk._async.transport

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio.subprocess
import atexit
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from concurrent.futures import Future
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Generic
from typing import List
from typing import Literal
from typing import Optional
from typing import overload
from typing import Protocol
from typing import runtime_checkable
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union

import jinja2

from ahk._hotkey import Hotkey
from ahk._hotkey import Hotstring
from ahk._hotkey import ThreadedHotkeyTransport
from ahk._types import Coordinates
from ahk._types import FunctionName
from ahk._types import Position
from ahk._utils import _version_detection_script
from ahk._utils import try_remove
from ahk.directives import Directive
from ahk.exceptions import AHKProtocolError
from ahk.extensions import _resolve_includes
from ahk.extensions import Extension
from ahk.message import _message_registry
from ahk.message import RequestMessage
from ahk.message import ResponseMessage

    from ahk import AsyncControl
    from ahk import AsyncWindow

if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, TypeGuard
    from typing import TypeAlias, TypeGuard

T_AsyncFuture = TypeVar('T_AsyncFuture')  # unasync: remove
T_SyncFuture = TypeVar('T_SyncFuture')

[docs]class AsyncFutureResult(Generic[T_AsyncFuture]): # unasync: remove
[docs] def __init__(self, task: asyncio.Task[T_AsyncFuture]): self._task: asyncio.Task[T_AsyncFuture] = task
[docs] async def result(self) -> T_AsyncFuture: return await self._task
class FutureResult(Generic[T_SyncFuture]): def __init__(self, future: Future[T_SyncFuture]): self._fut: Future[T_SyncFuture] = future def result(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> T_SyncFuture: return self._fut.result(timeout=timeout) AsyncIOProcess: TypeAlias = asyncio.subprocess.Process # unasync: remove SyncIOProcess: TypeAlias = 'subprocess.Popen[bytes]' @runtime_checkable class Killable(Protocol): def kill(self) -> None: ... def kill(proc: Killable) -> None: try: proc.kill() except: # noqa pass def async_assert_send_nonblocking_type_correct( obj: Any, ) -> TypeGuard[ Future[ Union[None, Coordinates, Tuple[int, int], int, str, bool, AsyncWindow, List[AsyncWindow], List[AsyncControl]] ] ]: return True class Communicable(Protocol): runargs: List[str] def communicate(self, input_bytes: Optional[bytes], timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: ... async def acommunicate( # unasync: remove self, input_bytes: Optional[bytes], timeout: Optional[int] = None ) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: ... @property def returncode(self) -> Optional[int]: ... class AsyncAHKProcess: def __init__(self, runargs: List[str]): self.runargs = runargs self._proc: Optional[AsyncIOProcess] = None @property def returncode(self) -> Optional[int]: assert self._proc is not None return self._proc.returncode async def start(self) -> None: self._proc = await async_create_process(self.runargs) atexit.register(kill, self._proc) return None async def adrain_stdin(self) -> None: # unasync: remove assert self._proc is not None assert self._proc.stdin is not None await self._proc.stdin.drain() return None def drain_stdin(self) -> None: assert isinstance(self._proc, subprocess.Popen) assert self._proc.stdin is not None self._proc.stdin.flush() return None def write(self, content: bytes) -> None: assert self._proc is not None assert self._proc.stdin is not None self._proc.stdin.write(content) async def readline(self) -> bytes: assert self._proc is not None assert self._proc.stdout is not None line = await self._proc.stdout.readline() assert isinstance(line, bytes) return line async def read(self) -> bytes: assert self._proc is not None assert self._proc.stdout is not None b = await assert isinstance(b, bytes) return b def kill(self) -> None: assert self._proc is not None, 'no process to kill' self._proc.kill() async def acommunicate( # unasync: remove self, input_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None ) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: assert self._proc is not None if timeout is not None: # unasync: remove raise RuntimeError('timeout not supported in async api') return await self._proc.communicate(input=input_bytes) def communicate(self, input_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: assert self._proc is not None assert isinstance(self._proc, subprocess.Popen) return self._proc.communicate(input=input_bytes, timeout=timeout) async def async_create_process(runargs: List[str]) -> asyncio.subprocess.Process: # unasync: remove return await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec( *runargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) def sync_create_process(runargs: List[str]) -> subprocess.Popen[bytes]: return subprocess.Popen(runargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) class AsyncTransport(ABC): _started: bool = False def __init__( self, /, directives: Optional[list[Union[Directive, Type[Directive]]]] = None, version: Optional[Literal['v1', 'v2']] = 'v1', hotkey_transport: Optional[ThreadedHotkeyTransport] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): self._hotkey_transport = hotkey_transport self._directives: list[Union[Directive, Type[Directive]]] = directives or [] self._version: Optional[Literal['v1', 'v2']] = version async def _get_full_version(self) -> str: res = await self.run_script(_version_detection_script) version = res.strip() assert re.match(r'^\d+\.', version) return version async def _get_major_version(self) -> Literal['v1', 'v2']: version = await self._get_full_version() match = re.match(r'^(\d+)\.', version) if not match: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected version {version!r}') major_version = if major_version == '1': return 'v1' elif major_version == '2': return 'v2' else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected version {version!r}') def on_clipboard_change( self, callback: Callable[[int], Any], ex_handler: Optional[Callable[[int, Exception], Any]] = None ) -> None: assert self._hotkey_transport is not None, 'current transport does not support hotkey functionality' self._hotkey_transport.on_clipboard_change(callback, ex_handler) return None def add_hotkey(self, hotkey: Hotkey) -> None: assert self._hotkey_transport is not None, 'current transport does not support hotkey functionality' with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: self._hotkey_transport.add_hotkey(hotkey=hotkey) if caught_warnings: for warning in caught_warnings: warnings.warn(warning.message, warning.category, stacklevel=2) return None def add_hotstring(self, hotstring: Hotstring) -> None: assert self._hotkey_transport is not None, 'current transport does not support hotkey functionality' with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: self._hotkey_transport.add_hotstring(hotstring=hotstring) if caught_warnings: for warning in caught_warnings: warnings.warn(warning.message, warning.category, stacklevel=2) return None def remove_hotkey(self, hotkey: Hotkey) -> None: assert self._hotkey_transport is not None, 'current transport does not support hotkey functionality' self._hotkey_transport.remove_hotkey(hotkey) return None def clear_hotkeys(self) -> None: assert self._hotkey_transport is not None, 'current transport does not support hotkey functionality' self._hotkey_transport.clear_hotkeys() return None def remove_hotstring(self, hotstring: Hotstring) -> None: assert self._hotkey_transport is not None, 'current transport does not support hotkey functionality' self._hotkey_transport.remove_hotstring(hotstring) return None def clear_hotstrings(self) -> None: assert self._hotkey_transport is not None, 'current transport does not support hotkey functionality' self._hotkey_transport.clear_hotstrings() return None def start_hotkeys(self) -> None: assert self._hotkey_transport is not None, 'current transport does not support hotkey functionality' return self._hotkey_transport.start() def stop_hotkeys(self) -> None: assert self._hotkey_transport is not None, 'current transport does not support hotkey functionality' return self._hotkey_transport.stop() async def init(self) -> None: self._started = True return None # fmt: off @overload async def run_script(self, script_text_or_path: str, /, *, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> str: ... @overload async def run_script(self, script_text_or_path: str, /, *, blocking: Literal[False], timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> AsyncFutureResult[str]: ... @overload async def run_script(self, script_text_or_path: str, /, *, blocking: Literal[True], timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> str: ... @overload async def run_script(self, script_text_or_path: str, /, *, blocking: bool = True, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... # fmt: on @abstractmethod async def run_script( self, script_text_or_path: str, /, *, blocking: bool = True, timeout: Optional[int] = None ) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: return NotImplemented # fmt: off @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinExist'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[bool, AsyncFutureResult[bool]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKImageSearch'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Coordinates, None, AsyncFutureResult[Union[Coordinates, None]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKPixelGetColor'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKPixelSearch'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Optional[Coordinates], AsyncFutureResult[Optional[Coordinates]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKMouseGetPos'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Coordinates, AsyncFutureResult[Coordinates]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKKeyState'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[int, float, str, None, AsyncFutureResult[None], AsyncFutureResult[str], AsyncFutureResult[int], AsyncFutureResult[float]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKMouseMove'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKClick'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKMouseClickDrag'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKKeyWait'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[bool, AsyncFutureResult[bool]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['SetKeyDelay'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSend'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSendRaw'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSendInput'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSendEvent'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSendPlay'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSetCapsLockState'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetTitle'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetClass'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetText'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinActivate'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['WinActivateBottom'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinClose'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinKill'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinMaximize'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinMinimize'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinRestore'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWindowList'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[List[AsyncWindow], AsyncFutureResult[List[AsyncWindow]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKControlSend'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinFromMouse'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Optional[AsyncWindow], AsyncFutureResult[Optional[AsyncWindow]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinIsAlwaysOnTop'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Optional[bool], AsyncFutureResult[Optional[bool]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinMove'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetPos'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[Position, None], AsyncFutureResult[Union[None, Position]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetID'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[None, AsyncWindow], AsyncFutureResult[Union[None, AsyncWindow]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetIDLast'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[None, AsyncWindow], AsyncFutureResult[Union[None, AsyncWindow]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetPID'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[int, None], AsyncFutureResult[Union[int, None]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetProcessName'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[None, str], AsyncFutureResult[Union[None, str]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetProcessPath'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[None, str], AsyncFutureResult[Union[None, str]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetCount'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[int, AsyncFutureResult[int]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetList'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[List[AsyncWindow], AsyncFutureResult[List[AsyncWindow]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetMinMax'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[None, int], AsyncFutureResult[Union[None, int]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetControlList'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[List[AsyncControl], None, AsyncFutureResult[Union[List[AsyncControl], None]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetTransparent'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[None, int], AsyncFutureResult[Union[None, int]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetTransColor'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[None, str], AsyncFutureResult[Union[None, str]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetStyle'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[None, str], AsyncFutureResult[Union[None, str]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinGetExStyle'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[Union[None, str], AsyncFutureResult[Union[None, str]]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetAlwaysOnTop'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetBottom'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetTop'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetDisable'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetEnable'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetRedraw'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetStyle'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[bool, AsyncFutureResult[bool]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetExStyle'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[bool, AsyncFutureResult[bool]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetRegion'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[bool, AsyncFutureResult[bool]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetTransparent'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetTransColor'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSetDetectHiddenWindows'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinSetTitle'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSetTitleMatchMode'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKGetTitleMatchMode']) -> str: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKGetTitleMatchSpeed']) -> str: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKControlGetText'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKControlClick'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKControlGetPos'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[Position, AsyncFutureResult[Position]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKGetCoordMode'], args: List[str]) -> str: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSetCoordMode'], args: List[str]) -> None: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKGetSendLevel']) -> int: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSetSendMode'], args: List[str]) -> None: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKGetSendMode']) -> str: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSetSendLevel'], args: List[str]) -> None: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinWait'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[AsyncWindow, AsyncFutureResult[AsyncWindow]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinWaitActive'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[AsyncWindow, AsyncFutureResult[AsyncWindow]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinWaitNotActive'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[AsyncWindow, AsyncFutureResult[AsyncWindow]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinShow'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinHide'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinIsActive'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[bool, AsyncFutureResult[bool]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKGetVolume'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> float: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSoundBeep'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> None: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSoundGet'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSoundPlay'], args: Optional[List[str]], *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSoundSet'], args: Optional[List[str]], *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSetVolume'], args: Optional[List[str]], *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKTrayTip'], args: Optional[List[str]], *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKGetClipboard'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKGetClipboardAll'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[bytes, AsyncFutureResult[bytes]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSetClipboard'], args: Optional[List[str]], *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKSetClipboardAll'], args: Optional[List[str]], *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKBlockInput'], args: Optional[List[str]], *, blocking: bool = True) -> None: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKShowToolTip'], args: Optional[List[str]]) -> None: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKClipWait'], args: Optional[List[str]], *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... # @overload # async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['HideTrayTip'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKWinWaitClose'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKRegRead'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKRegWrite'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKRegDelete'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKMenuTrayTip'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKMenuTrayIcon'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKMenuTrayShow'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKMenuTrayHide'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[None, AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKGuiNew'], args: List[str], *, engine: AsyncAHK[Any]) -> str: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKMsgBox'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKInputBox'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[str, None, AsyncFutureResult[str], AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKFileSelectFile'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[str, None, AsyncFutureResult[str], AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... @overload async def function_call(self, function_name: Literal['AHKFileSelectFolder'], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, blocking: bool = True) -> Union[str, None, AsyncFutureResult[str], AsyncFutureResult[None]]: ... # fmt: on async def function_call( self, function_name: FunctionName, args: Optional[List[str]] = None, blocking: bool = True, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None, ) -> Any: if not self._started: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: await self.init() if caught_warnings: for warning in caught_warnings: warnings.warn(warning.message, warning.category, stacklevel=3) request = RequestMessage(function_name=function_name, args=args) if blocking: return await self.send(request, engine=engine) else: return await self.a_send_nonblocking(request, engine=engine) @abstractmethod async def send( self, request: RequestMessage, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None ) -> Union[None, Tuple[int, int], int, str, bool, AsyncWindow, List[AsyncWindow], List[AsyncControl]]: return NotImplemented @abstractmethod # unasync: remove async def a_send_nonblocking( # unasync: remove self, request: RequestMessage, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None ) -> AsyncFutureResult[ Union[None, Tuple[int, int], int, str, bool, AsyncWindow, List[AsyncWindow], List[AsyncControl]] ]: return NotImplemented @abstractmethod def send_nonblocking( self, request: RequestMessage, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None ) -> FutureResult[Union[None, Tuple[int, int], int, str, bool, AsyncWindow, List[AsyncWindow], List[AsyncControl]]]: return NotImplemented class AsyncDaemonProcessTransport(AsyncTransport): def __init__( self, *, executable_path: str = '', directives: Optional[list[Directive | Type[Directive]]] = None, jinja_loader: Optional[jinja2.BaseLoader] = None, template: Optional[jinja2.Template] = None, extensions: list[Extension] | None = None, version: Optional[Literal['v1', 'v2']] = None, skip_version_check: bool = False, ): self._extensions = extensions or [] self._proc: Optional[AsyncAHKProcess] self._proc = None self._temp_script: Optional[str] = None self.__template: jinja2.Template self._jinja_env: jinja2.Environment self._execution_lock = threading.Lock() self._a_execution_lock = asyncio.Lock() # unasync: remove self._executable_path = executable_path if version is None or version == 'v1': template_name = 'daemon.ahk' const_script = _DAEMON_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE elif version == 'v2': template_name = 'daemon-v2.ahk' const_script = _DAEMON_SCRIPT_V2_TEMPLATE else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid version {version!r} - must be one of "v1" or "v2"') if jinja_loader is None: try: loader: jinja2.BaseLoader loader = jinja2.PackageLoader('ahk', 'templates') except ValueError: # see: warnings.warn( 'Jinja could not find templates with PackageLoader. Falling back to BaseLoader', category=UserWarning, ) loader = jinja2.BaseLoader() self._jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, trim_blocks=True, autoescape=False) else: self._jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja_loader, trim_blocks=True, autoescape=False) try: self.__template = self._jinja_env.get_template(template_name) except jinja2.TemplateNotFound: warnings.warn('daemon template missing. Falling back to constant', category=UserWarning) self.__template = self._jinja_env.from_string(const_script) if template is None: template = self.__template self._template: jinja2.Template = template directives = directives or [] if extensions: includes = _resolve_includes(extensions) directives = includes + directives hotkey_transport = ThreadedHotkeyTransport( executable_path=self._executable_path, directives=directives, version=version ) super().__init__(directives=directives, version=version, hotkey_transport=hotkey_transport) @property def template(self) -> jinja2.Template: return self._template async def init(self) -> None: await self.start() await super().init() return None async def start(self) -> None: assert self._proc is None, 'cannot start a process twice' with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: async with self.lock: self._proc = await self._create_process() if caught_warnings: for warning in caught_warnings: warnings.warn(warning.message, warning.category, stacklevel=2) def _render_script(self, template: Optional[jinja2.Template] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> str: if template is None: template = self._template kwargs['daemon'] = self.__template message_types = {str(tom, 'utf-8'): c.__name__.upper() for tom, c in _message_registry.items()} return template.render( directives=self._directives, message_types=message_types, message_registry=_message_registry, extensions=self._extensions, ahk_version=self._version, **kwargs, ) @property def lock(self) -> Any: return self._a_execution_lock # unasync: remove return self._execution_lock async def _create_process( self, template: Optional[jinja2.Template] = None, **template_kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncAHKProcess: if template is None: if template_kwargs: raise ValueError('template kwargs were specified, but no template was provided') if self._temp_script is None or not os.path.exists(self._temp_script): script_text = self._render_script() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w', prefix='python-ahk-', suffix='.ahk', delete=False ) as tempscriptfile: tempscriptfile.write(script_text) # XXX: can we make this async? self._temp_script = daemon_script = self._temp_script atexit.register(try_remove, else: daemon_script = self._temp_script else: script_text = self._render_script(template=template, **template_kwargs) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', prefix='python-ahk-', suffix='.ahk', delete=False) as tempscript: tempscript.write(script_text) daemon_script = atexit.register(try_remove, runargs = [self._executable_path, '/CP65001', '/ErrorStdOut', daemon_script] proc = AsyncAHKProcess(runargs=runargs) await proc.start() return proc async def _send_nonblocking( self, request: RequestMessage, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None ) -> Union[None, Tuple[int, int], int, str, bool, AsyncWindow, List[AsyncWindow], List[AsyncControl]]: msg = request.format() proc = await self._create_process() try: proc.write(msg) await proc.adrain_stdin() tom = await proc.readline() num_lines = await proc.readline() content_buffer = BytesIO() content_buffer.write(tom) content_buffer.write(num_lines) try: lines_to_read = int(num_lines) + 1 except ValueError as e: try: stdout = tom + num_lines + await except Exception: stdout = b'' raise AHKProtocolError( 'Unexpected data received. This is usually the result of an unhandled error in the AHK process' + (f': {stdout!r}' if stdout else '') ) from e for _ in range(lines_to_read): part = await proc.readline() content_buffer.write(part) content = content_buffer.getvalue()[:-1] finally: try: proc.kill() except: # noqa pass response = ResponseMessage.from_bytes(content, engine=engine) return response.unpack() # type: ignore async def a_send_nonblocking( # unasync: remove self, request: RequestMessage, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None ) -> AsyncFutureResult[ Union[None, Tuple[int, int], int, str, bool, AsyncWindow, List[AsyncWindow], List[AsyncControl]] ]: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() task = loop.create_task(self._send_nonblocking(request=request, engine=engine)) return AsyncFutureResult(task) def send_nonblocking( self, request: RequestMessage, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None ) -> FutureResult[Union[None, Tuple[int, int], int, str, bool, AsyncWindow, List[AsyncWindow], List[AsyncControl]]]: # this is only used by the sync implementation pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) fut = pool.submit(self._send_nonblocking, request=request, engine=engine) pool.shutdown(wait=False) assert async_assert_send_nonblocking_type_correct( fut ) # workaround to get mypy correctness in sync and async implementation return FutureResult(fut) async def send( self, request: RequestMessage, engine: Optional[AsyncAHK[Any]] = None ) -> Union[None, Tuple[int, int], int, str, bool, AsyncWindow, List[AsyncWindow], List[AsyncControl]]: msg = request.format() assert self._proc is not None async with self.lock: self._proc.write(msg) await self._proc.adrain_stdin() tom = await self._proc.readline() num_lines = await self._proc.readline() content_buffer = BytesIO() content_buffer.write(tom) content_buffer.write(num_lines) try: lines_to_read = int(num_lines) + 1 except ValueError as e: try: stdout = tom + num_lines + await except Exception: stdout = b'' raise AHKProtocolError( 'Unexpected data received. This is usually the result of an unhandled error in the AHK process' + (f': {stdout!r}' if stdout else '') ) from e for _ in range(lines_to_read): part = await self._proc.readline() content_buffer.write(part) content = content_buffer.getvalue()[:-1] response = ResponseMessage.from_bytes(content, engine=engine) return response.unpack() # type: ignore async def _async_run_nonblocking( # unasync: remove self, proc: Communicable, script_bytes: Optional[bytes], timeout: Optional[int] = None ) -> AsyncFutureResult[str]: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() async def f() -> str: stdout, stderr = await proc.acommunicate(script_bytes, timeout) if proc.returncode != 0: assert proc.returncode is not None raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, proc.runargs, stdout, stderr) return stdout.decode('utf-8') task = loop.create_task(f()) return AsyncFutureResult(task) def _sync_run_nonblocking( self, proc: Communicable, script_bytes: Optional[bytes], timeout: Optional[int] = None, ) -> FutureResult[str]: pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) def f() -> str: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(script_bytes, timeout) if proc.returncode != 0: assert proc.returncode is not None raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, proc.runargs, stdout, stderr) return stdout.decode('utf-8') fut = pool.submit(f) pool.shutdown(wait=False) return FutureResult(fut) # fmt: off @overload async def run_script(self, script_text_or_path: str, /, *, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> str: ... @overload async def run_script(self, script_text_or_path: str, /, *, blocking: Literal[False], timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> AsyncFutureResult[str]: ... @overload async def run_script(self, script_text_or_path: str, /, *, blocking: Literal[True], timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> str: ... @overload async def run_script(self, script_text_or_path: str, /, *, blocking: bool = True, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: ... # fmt: on async def run_script( self, script_text_or_path: str, /, *, blocking: bool = True, timeout: Optional[int] = None ) -> Union[str, AsyncFutureResult[str]]: if os.path.exists(script_text_or_path): script_bytes = None runargs = [self._executable_path, '/CP65001', '/ErrorStdOut', script_text_or_path] else: script_bytes = bytes(script_text_or_path, 'utf-8') runargs = [self._executable_path, '/CP65001', '/ErrorStdOut', '*'] proc = AsyncAHKProcess(runargs) await proc.start() if blocking: stdout, stderr = await proc.acommunicate(script_bytes, timeout=timeout) if proc.returncode != 0: assert proc.returncode is not None raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, proc.runargs, stdout, stderr) return stdout.decode('utf-8') else: return await self._async_run_nonblocking(proc, script_bytes, timeout=timeout) if TYPE_CHECKING: from .engine import AsyncAHK