Source code for ahk.message

from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import base64
import itertools
import string
import sys
from abc import abstractmethod
from base64 import b64encode
from typing import Any
from typing import cast
from typing import Generator
from typing import List
from typing import NoReturn
from typing import Optional
from typing import Protocol
from typing import runtime_checkable
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    from typing import TypeGuard
    from typing_extensions import TypeGuard
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union

from ahk.exceptions import AHKExecutionException
from ahk._types import Position, Coordinates

[docs]class OutOfMessageTypes(Exception): ...
[docs]@runtime_checkable class BytesLineReadable(Protocol):
[docs] def readline(self) -> bytes: ...
[docs]def is_window_control_list_response(resp_obj: object) -> TypeGuard[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]]]: if not isinstance(resp_obj, tuple): return False if len(resp_obj) != 2: return False if not isinstance(resp_obj[0], str): return False expected_win_list = resp_obj[1] if not isinstance(expected_win_list, list): return False for obj in expected_win_list: if not isinstance(obj, tuple): return False if len(obj) != 2: return False id_, klass = obj if not isinstance(id_, str) or not isinstance(klass, str): return False return True
[docs]def is_winget_response_type( obj: object, ) -> TypeGuard[ Union[ 'StringResponseMessage', 'IntegerResponseMessage', 'WindowListResponseMessage', 'WindowControlListResponseMessage', ] ]: if isinstance(obj, StringResponseMessage): return True elif isinstance(obj, IntegerResponseMessage): return True elif isinstance(obj, WindowListResponseMessage): return True elif isinstance(obj, WindowControlListResponseMessage): return True elif isinstance(obj, NoValueResponseMessage): return True else: return False
T_ResponseMessageType = TypeVar('T_ResponseMessageType', bound='ResponseMessage')
[docs]def tom_generator() -> Generator[bytes, None, None]: characters = string.digits + string.ascii_letters for a, b, c in itertools.product(characters, characters, characters): yield bytes(f'{a}{b}{c}', encoding='ascii') raise OutOfMessageTypes('Out of TOMS')
TOMS = tom_generator()
[docs]class ResponseMessage: _type_order_mark = next(TOMS)
[docs] @classmethod def fqn(cls) -> str: return f'{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}'
@classmethod def __init_subclass__(cls: Type[T_ResponseMessageType], **kwargs: Any) -> None: tom = next(TOMS) cls._type_order_mark = tom assert tom not in _message_registry, f'cannot register class {cls!r} with TOM {tom!r} which is already in use' _message_registry[tom] = cls super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
[docs] def __init__(self, raw_content: bytes, engine: Optional[Union[AsyncAHK[Any], AHK[Any]]] = None): self._raw_content: bytes = raw_content self._engine: Optional[Union[AsyncAHK[Any], AHK[Any]]] = engine
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'ResponseMessage<fqn={self.fqn()!r}>' @staticmethod def _tom_lookup(tom: bytes) -> 'ResponseMessageClassTypes': klass = _message_registry.get(tom) if klass is None: raise ValueError(f'No such TOM {tom!r}') return klass
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes( cls: Type[T_ResponseMessageType], b: bytes, engine: Optional[Union[AsyncAHK[Any], AHK[Any]]] = None ) -> 'ResponseMessageTypes': tom, _, message_bytes = b.split(b'\n', 2) klass = cls._tom_lookup(tom) return klass(raw_content=message_bytes, engine=engine)
[docs] def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: content_lines = self._raw_content.count(b'\n') return self._type_order_mark + b'\n' + bytes(str(content_lines), 'ascii') + b'\n' + self._raw_content
[docs] @abstractmethod def unpack(self) -> Any: return NotImplemented
_message_registry: dict[bytes, 'ResponseMessageClassTypes'] = {}
[docs]class TupleResponseMessage(ResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: s = self._raw_content.decode(encoding='utf-8') val = ast.literal_eval(s) assert isinstance(val, tuple) return val
[docs]class CoordinateResponseMessage(ResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> Coordinates: s = self._raw_content.decode(encoding='utf-8') val = ast.literal_eval(s) assert isinstance(val, tuple) x, y = cast(Tuple[int, int], val) return Coordinates(x, y)
[docs]class IntegerResponseMessage(ResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> int: s = self._raw_content.decode(encoding='utf-8') val = ast.literal_eval(s) assert isinstance(val, int) return val
[docs]class BooleanResponseMessage(IntegerResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> bool: val = super().unpack() assert val in (1, 0) return bool(val)
[docs]class StringResponseMessage(ResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> str: return self._raw_content.decode('utf-8')
[docs]class WindowListResponseMessage(ResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> Union[List[Window], List[AsyncWindow]]: from ._async.engine import AsyncAHK from ._async.window import AsyncWindow from ._sync.window import Window from ._sync.engine import AHK s = self._raw_content.decode(encoding='utf-8') s = s.rstrip(',') window_ids = s.split(',') if isinstance(self._engine, AsyncAHK): async_ret = [AsyncWindow(engine=self._engine, ahk_id=ahk_id) for ahk_id in window_ids if ahk_id] return async_ret elif isinstance(self._engine, AHK): ret = [Window(engine=self._engine, ahk_id=ahk_id) for ahk_id in window_ids if ahk_id] return ret else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid engine: {self._engine!r}')
[docs]class NoValueResponseMessage(ResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> None: assert self._raw_content == b'\xee\x80\x80', f'Unexpected or Malformed response: {self._raw_content!r}' return None
[docs]class ExceptionResponseMessage(ResponseMessage): _exception_type: Type[Exception] = AHKExecutionException
[docs] def unpack(self) -> NoReturn: s = self._raw_content.decode(encoding='utf-8') raise self._exception_type(s)
[docs]class WindowControlListResponseMessage(ResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> Union[List[AsyncControl], List[Control]]: from ._async.engine import AsyncAHK from ._async.window import AsyncWindow, AsyncControl from ._sync.window import Window, Control from ._sync.engine import AHK s = self._raw_content.decode(encoding='utf-8') val = ast.literal_eval(s) assert is_window_control_list_response(val) assert self._engine is not None assert val is not None ahkid, controls = val if isinstance(self._engine, AsyncAHK): ret_async: List[AsyncControl] = [] async_window = AsyncWindow(engine=self._engine, ahk_id=ahkid) for control in controls: hwnd, classname = control async_ctrl = AsyncControl(window=async_window, hwnd=hwnd, control_class=classname) ret_async.append(async_ctrl) return ret_async elif isinstance(self._engine, AHK): ret_sync: List[Control] = [] window = Window(engine=self._engine, ahk_id=ahkid) for control in controls: hwnd, classname = control ctrl = Control(window=window, hwnd=hwnd, control_class=classname) ret_sync.append(ctrl) return ret_sync else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid engine: {self._engine!r}')
[docs]class WindowResponseMessage(ResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> Union[Window, AsyncWindow]: from ._async.engine import AsyncAHK from ._async.window import AsyncWindow from ._sync.window import Window from ._sync.engine import AHK s = self._raw_content.decode(encoding='utf-8') ahk_id = s.strip() if isinstance(self._engine, AsyncAHK): async_ret = AsyncWindow(engine=self._engine, ahk_id=ahk_id) return async_ret elif isinstance(self._engine, AHK): ret = Window(engine=self._engine, ahk_id=ahk_id) return ret else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid engine: {self._engine!r}')
[docs]class PositionResponseMessage(TupleResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> Position: resp = super().unpack() if not len(resp) == 4: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected response. Expected tuple of length 4, got tuple of length {len(resp)}') pos = Position(*resp) return pos
[docs]class FloatResponseMessage(ResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> float: s = self._raw_content.decode(encoding='utf-8') val = ast.literal_eval(s) assert isinstance(val, float) return val
[docs]class TimeoutResponseMessage(ExceptionResponseMessage): _exception_type = TimeoutError
[docs]class B64BinaryResponseMessage(ResponseMessage):
[docs] def unpack(self) -> bytes: b64_content = self._raw_content b = base64.b64decode(b64_content) return b
T_RequestMessageType = TypeVar('T_RequestMessageType', bound='RequestMessage')
[docs]class RequestMessage:
[docs] def __init__(self, function_name: str, args: Optional[List[str]] = None): self.function_name: str = function_name self.args: List[str] = args or []
[docs] def format(self) -> bytes: arg_binary = b'|'.join(b64encode(bytes(arg, 'UTF-8')) for arg in self.args) ret = bytes(self.function_name, 'UTF-8') + b'|' + arg_binary + b'\n' return ret
ResponseMessageTypes = Union[ ResponseMessage, TupleResponseMessage, CoordinateResponseMessage, IntegerResponseMessage, BooleanResponseMessage, StringResponseMessage, WindowListResponseMessage, NoValueResponseMessage, WindowControlListResponseMessage, ExceptionResponseMessage, PositionResponseMessage, ] ResponseMessageClassTypes = Union[ Type[PositionResponseMessage], Type[TupleResponseMessage], Type[CoordinateResponseMessage], Type[IntegerResponseMessage], Type[BooleanResponseMessage], Type[StringResponseMessage], Type[WindowListResponseMessage], Type[NoValueResponseMessage], Type[WindowControlListResponseMessage], Type[ExceptionResponseMessage], Type[ResponseMessage], ] if TYPE_CHECKING: from ._async.engine import AsyncAHK from ._async.window import AsyncWindow, AsyncControl from ._sync.window import Window, Control from ._sync.engine import AHK